How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC

How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC

Last year, the War of the Royal style became known to the PC as PuBg, immediately after the release of the open beta of unknown areas of the player. The success of the game has led many other developers to release their own war royal games, each of which has its own unique twist on the gameplay side of things. Things went ahead when these games made their way to mobile devices and their free-to-play models played a big part in making the game so popular. Many, PUBG Mobile currently stands as an existing champion with more than 100,000 downloads on Google Play Store. Now many of you will agree that it is not so easy to play any kind of shooting game on the touch screen and it does not seem as satisfying as using the mouse and keyboard. But considering the fact that not everyone is willing to pay for the pubg on the PC or there is enough powerful PC to run the game, you have not liked it or it seems. So if you are thinking how you can get the best of both worlds, then we have covered you. Here's how to play PUBG Mobile on PC:
How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC

Run Pubg Mobile on Your Windows PC
Before starting with a step-by-step tutorial, let's get one thing straight away - PUBG Mobile does not run on a basic Windows PC and an Android emulator needs to work. Although there are some Android emulators for Windows PC, but not all of them are capable of running PUBG Mobile, some do not support face-to-face performance issues and other exact key mapping. Thankfully, the developer Tencent Games has released its own emulator - Tencent Gaming Buddy (download) - which pubg mobiles run on Windows PCs without hesitation. Here, we will look at how you can set up Tenant Gaming Buddy Emulators on your PC and highlight optimal settings that you should use to easily run the game.
How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC

How To Set Tencent Gaming Buddy
Tencent Gaming Buddy, has been claimed to be the best emulator for PUBG Mobile correctly, is relatively simple to use. To get started, you will need to download the setup file  and install the emulator on your Windows PC.

The setup process is quite simple and straightforward; Just run the .exe file and the setup wizard will guide you through the process. Setup will set the emulator on your system before executable, after which it will proceed to download PUBG mobile

Adjust emulator settings for best performance
By the time of game download, you can set up the emulator to ensure optimal performance on your system because default settings do not offer best performance. To do this, click the hamburger menu in the top right corner of the emulator home screen and tap on the 'Settings' option.
How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC
In the Settings option, you must make the following changes to ensure the best performance:
In the 'Basic' tab of the Settings Center, you do not have to make any significant changes to improve performance, but you can choose whether you want to run the emulator on Windows startup or not The option is turned on by default and if you do not have an old PC or boot SSD, then I recommend that you turn off the option so that the emulator does not have any effect on startup / reboot time
How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC
How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC
In the 'Engine' tab, you need to turn on the 'dedicated dedicated GPU' setting to ensure that the emulator uses a dedicated GPU on your system that will significantly improve performance. If you do not have a dedicated GPU, then the setting will not have any effect on the display.
Select the highest memory setting available in the 'Memory' drop down menu, select the maximum number of cores available in the 'Processor' drop down menu and set the resolution according to your personal preference.
How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC

In my testing I also found that the selection of the lowest possible DPI from the 'DPI' drop down menu has a positive effect on the performance. Once you change the settings, you need to restart the emulator to make the settings take effect, but make sure you restart the download after completing or you may have to start downloading games from scratch.
How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC

Adjust In-Game Settings for Best Performance
Now that you have downloaded the game and have already applied the optimal settings, you can play the game. The first time you start the game, you will see a control panel on the right side of the emulator that will list all the keyboards and mouse controls to play the game. While most PC gamers will be familiar with the controls, if you have never played a shooting game on your PC before, I will strongly advise you to go through the controls and remember them. If not in use, the panel can be easily hidden.

If you do not want to log in to your account, you can now login to your Twitter or Facebook account to sync your PUBG mobile data or play as a guest. Note that if you log in with the same certificates used on your phone, all your PUBG mobile account data will be forwarded in the emulator and the data will stay in sync, no matter what platform you are on Play the game.

How to Play PUBG Mobile on PCHow to Play PUBG Mobile on PC
You are logged in, you can customize the in-game settings according to your preference and according to your system's capabilities. My system has Intel Core i7-7700HQ, which has Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti and 16 GB RAM and I use the following settings
With these settings, the game runs well on my system with a slight stator and interval, which can be expected because we are playing games on an emulator. it will also run on high-end smartphones, even if you have high-end hardware powering on your PC. Since tencent gaming Buddy emulator is still in beta, so it has its own fair share of issues.

By clicking on the 'Customize' button in the lower left corner of the 'Control' tab in the in-game settings menu, you may also want to change the control of your choice.

There is one more thing sensitivity that you want to adjust before playing any game. In my experience, the default sensitivity settings are slightly sensitive for my choice and I've significantly reduced the camera panning, ADS and Scope sensitivity to make it more manageable
How to Play PUBG Mobile on PCHow to Play PUBG Mobile on PC
Once you have customized everything according to your liking, you can jump directly into a game and play pub mobile on your PC. Note that to maintain the playing field level, players using an emulator will be matched with other players using only one emulator and even if the game enters matches with your friends running on mobile devices To allow yourself, your friend can find himself on a significant loss against players using a keyboard and mouse.

How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC

How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC How to Play PUBG Mobile on PC Reviewed by Tech Gyan on December 20, 2018 Rating: 5
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