The dark side of future tech: Where are we headed on privacy, security, truth?

The dark side of future tech: Where are we headed on privacy, security, truth?

# 2018 Year-End Special: Now we live in a time when the device listens, chips track your preference, and governments can see it behind the barcode. How do we navigate this world?
The dark side of future tech: Where are we headed on privacy, security, truth?
The Dark Knight’s High-Frequency Generator. In Christopher Nolan’s film, Batman creates this giant surveillance system to track an arch-villain, The Joker. In nature and intent, that’s not unlike the security surveillance systems a number of governments have admitted to manning.
"One of the definitions of purity is the ability to tell the truth from the false. Soon we will need a new definition, "Alvin Toffler, author of the 1970 Bestseller Future Shock, said once.

Privacy Security. Freedom. Democracy History. News - Lines between real and unrealistic are blurred in each of these areas.

Fake News is helping to decide the election; As history is being written again; Rumor has become similar in view, feeling and distribution in the form of real news.

The tools that listen, the governments that you see from the back of the barcode, chips track where you go, what you eat, how do you feel - they used to belong to the dystopian novels.
In April, the world came to know about the Chinese government's social credit system, which is currently a program in those tasks that will use private data platforms for providing social scores to each registered citizen, Will appoint

According to the state you want, and you get easy access to cheap loans, education; It is not clear what can be the consequences for those who give the opposite result, but for the sake of defamation, smoking in non-smoking areas ranges from smoking to 'buying' lots of video games and the government has the potential to become important.

We have seen it before - the totalitarian governments where the person is constantly under surveillance by a state who pretends that it is for the better. But for the last time when we came across it was a fantasy - George Orwell's 1984, was set in a superstate, where the police had taken their orders with a friendly name Big Brother with a totalitarian leader.

catch 22

Joseph Heller wrote in Catch-22, "Just because you are not crazy, this means they are not out to get you." Who accesses the data that your phone collects? What is the government looking after giving a specific ID to the citizens?

It is good to be able to criticize China, there is still some discrepancy in a global community, which is largely democratic and free market, but in the UK from 2006 to 2010, the National Identity Card Act was; India has a base project; Brazil has a National Citizen ID document from 2017; Germany has one national identity card since 2010 and one in Colombia 2013.

They are collecting biometric data, designating numbers to the citizens and creating national registers - there are no more words on what they have, who have access to or how secure they are.
"To ask what is the risk of depositing such large data, it is like asking what is the risk to the computer. Pranesh Prakash, a partner at the ThinkTank Center of Internet and Society, says that they are both implicit in our lives.

If there is a risk then there is a security base layer in the pyramid. Prakash said that there is a risk of discrimination - whether in the case of profit, for employment, or for something like marriage. Bad data causes poor data; There is a risk of public profiling.

Says Prakash, "The question here is about transparency. "What is in the data, it has been accessed or sold by, how many parts are there, and what is the purpose of collecting it, the questions - clearly need to be answered."

operation Theatre

New questions are also being asked in the field of medicine. Where do you draw the designer babies on the line? Should parents get to edit their child's genes? How much do we need for a tinker - do you stop on mutation, or go to fix hair color and intelligence?

Since indexing of DNA becomes cheaper and easier, questions on the next steps of interpretation and analysis of the data will be more complex - the chief scientific adviser of the Government of India, Vijayaraghavan and the former director of the National Center. Biological Sciences "From here, with Data Deluge, deciding what to do and how to do it will be very complicated. Specially the business interests are involved. "

We have rules and regulations for the use of DNA information in research, but related laws that regulate how a person can use individual complete genome information in public space is still being implicated. "Data-privacy discussions will soon be found in the genomic-data space," Vijayaraghavan says. "To benefit patients, data sharing is required. Still, data privacy is required to prevent exploitative usage. This is a puzzle, and there are no easy answers. "

The dark side of future tech: Where are we headed on privacy, security, truth? The dark side of future tech: Where are we headed on privacy, security, truth? Reviewed by Tech Gyan on December 30, 2018 Rating: 5
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