Newly discovered exoplanets reveal how worlds are formed

Newly discovered exoplanets reveal how worlds are formed

Newly discovered exoplanets reveal how worlds are formed
National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) of Italy and scientists from the University of Bristol in Britain spent three years observing the exoplanetary system Kepler-109 through telescope Nazionale Galileo in La Palma.

Scientists have analyzed two recently discovered exoplanets, whose sizes are the same but have very different densities, and can provide a unique insight into how the world is formed.

 Researchers said that Kepler-107B and Kepler-107C have similarities of about 1.5 and 1.6 Earth Ready, but their density is different twice, researchers said.

National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) of Italy and scientists from the University of Bristol in Britain spent three years observing the exoplanetary system Kepler-107 through telescope Nazionale Galileo in La Palma.
 He collected more than 100 spectroscopic measurements of all four sub-Neptune mass planets in Kepler-107, which were named after the NASA Kepler space telescope, which explored the exploratory system five years ago.

As the relation of the Earth to the Sun, the planets in the Kelper-107 system are very close to each other and their host stars (equivalent to our Sun). 

Contrary to the years of all the planets, the orbiting period of the days is there. 

It is not uncommon for the planet that is hot with the host star and the closest to the host star due to the interaction that can cause damage to the environment.

However, in the case of Kepler-107, the second planet, 107c, is denser than the first, 107b, according to a study published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
It is so much that in 107c, the mass of iron in its core is at least twice as long as 107b, indicating that at some point, at 107c, a high-speed large collision with protoplanets of the same mass or more collision It was with a few masses of planets.

These effects would have ripped a part of the rock and suggested the silicate mantle of Kepler-107C that originally it is now dense.
Newly discovered exoplanets reveal how worlds are formed Newly discovered exoplanets reveal how worlds are formed Reviewed by Tech Gyan on February 06, 2019 Rating: 5
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