CRISPR Powered e-Transistors For Quick Genetic Mutation Detection

CRISPR Powered e-Transistors For Quick Genetic Mutation Detection
CRISPR Powered e-Transistors For Quick Genetic Mutation Detection

CRISPR-Chip - A CRISPR operated e-transistor composed of graphene, a new device developed by a group of engineers in the KK Graduate Institute (KGI) of the University of California, Berkeley and The Claremont Colleges, which can detect a genetic mutation. Minute.

The device, called the CRISPR-chip, can be used to diagnose hereditary diseases or to assess the accuracy of gene-editing techniques.

"We have already developed transistors that use CRISPR to see your genome for potential mutation," said KYANA ARAN, KGI Assistant Professor, who had conceived this technique, 

while UC Berkeley Engaging Professor Irina There was a postdoctoral scholar in the laboratory of Conaboy. "You just put your pure DNA sample on the processor, allow CRISPR to search and the Graphene transistor reports the results of this search in minutes"

Doctors and geneticists can now order DNA to point to genetic mutation, which underlying a multitude of symptoms and situations, and companies like 23andMe and AncestryDNA also make these tests available to curious consumers.

But unlike most forms of genetic testing, for example, recently developed CRISPR-based clinical methods,

 CRISPR-chip did not have the first nano-electronics to detect genetic mutations in DNA samples without "amplification" Have used or replicated the DNA segment of interest rates thousands of times through time - and a tool-intensive process called polymerase chain reaction or P Iar called. 

This means that it can be used to perform genetic testing in a doctor's office or field work setting without the need to send samples to a lab.

Professor of Bioengineering in UC Berkeley and Cooperative, Neeran Murthy said, "The advantage of CRISPR-chip is that it is actually a point of maintenance, it is one of the few things where you can do it in bedside." -The basis of this paper. "Finally, you just have to take one person's cells, remove the DNA and add it together with the CRISPR-chip and you will have the ability to tell if there is a definite DNA sequence or possibly one for DNA. The right bedside can be tested. "

The CRISPR-Cas9 process is famous for its ability to pat the DNA thread at precise locations like a set of razor-sharp scissors, allowing scientists to have unique gene-editing capabilities. 

But to properly cut and paste the genes, the CAS 9 protein first needs to identify the specific location from the DNA which it needs to change. It scans to open double-stranded DNA until it detects the matching sequence that directs RNA and then lays it on it.

To use the CRISPR's gene-targeting skills, investigators chose a version of a spoon Cas9 protein-Cas9 that can get a special place on DNA, but it does not bite - and it limits it to graphene transistors is. After finding the location targeting the DNA of the CRISpar complex, 

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It binds it and activates a change in the current of the graphite, which in turn, changes the electrical characteristics of the transistor. These changes can be identified with a hand-held tool developed by the team's industrial partners.

Graphene is composed of a single atomic layer of carbon dioxide, so it is electrically sensitive that it can detect a DNA series "hit" in a full genome sample without PCR amplification.

"CRISPR brought selectivity, brought graphene transistor sensitivity and, collectively, we had the ability to identify this PCR-free or amplifier-free."

Aran hopes to "multiplex" the device, allowing doctors to plug several guide RNA simultaneously to detect many genetic mutations in a few minutes.

Araan said, "Modify one page with many research boxes in our example transistor, and you have your guide RNA information, and each of these transistors will search and report results electronically."

In order to clarify the sensitivity of CRISSP-chip, the group used the device to discover two common genetic mutations in blood samples from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) patients.

CoBoy, a co-author of the paper, says, CRISPR-chip can be a particularly useful tool for screening DMD because the severe muscle-wasting disease can be largely due to mutation through the dystrophin genes - Spotting mutation can be costly and time-consuming using the longest and PCR-based genetic testing in the human genome.

"At this time, as a practice, boys with DMD are not usually screened unless we know that something is wrong, then they pass through genetic confirmation," said Conway, who said CRISPR- Based treatment.

"Using an electronic device, you can design RNA directly in the entire dystrophin gene, and then you can screen the entire sequence of the receptor in just a few hours.

For the existence or absence of dystrophin mutation, you can screen your parents or even newborn babies - then, if a mutation is discovered, then the therapy can be started early, as long as the disease Not really has increased, "said Conboy.

Murthy said that the use of acute genetic testing can also be done to help doctors develop individual treatment programs for their patients. For example, genetic variation makes some people unresponsive to expensive blood, such as Plavix.

Murthy said, "If you have got any particular mutation or some DNA sequence, then it will very accurately predict how you will respond to some medicines."

Finally, as CRISPR-chip can be used to monitor whether CRISPR binds specific DNA sequences, it can also be used to test the effectiveness of CRISPR-based gene-editing practices. is. For example, it can be employed to confirm that manual RNA sequences are designed correctly, Aran said.

"Adding modern nanotechnology to contemporary biology opens a new door to reach new biological information which was not previously available," said Aran.

CRISPR Powered e-Transistors For Quick Genetic Mutation Detection CRISPR Powered e-Transistors For Quick Genetic Mutation Detection Reviewed by Tech Gyan on March 31, 2019 Rating: 5
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